What does it look like to become firm, immovable and steadfast while you are waiting on a promise from God to be fulfilled?
What does it look like to become firm, immovable and steadfast while you are waiting on a promise from God to be fulfilled?
Poetic writings and love letters walking you through John chapter eleven, hand in hand, verse by verse with the Father.
In John 11, Lazarus had died. When Jesus was called upon, He waited. The one who held the power to speak ONE WORD and bring Him to life - He waited. The one who had the ability to perform an INSTANT MIRACLE and remove the unbearable grief and heaviness - He waited. But why did Jesus wait? Why did a GOOD GOD choose to wait to bring redemption? Why didn't He heal immediately? Perhaps His plan of redemption was beyond what they could have asked or dreamed or imagined....
Come linger with Me through John chapter 11, for there is a brook of bliss to be found in the waiting. Not merely when the promise is fulfilled but in your pain and in your grief, in your tears and in your heartache, come dine with Me on food you have not yet tasted. Come be filled with a new revelation of who I am, as we – you and Me together – remember Lazarus.
The Father